Swimming with hair extensions, including weft extensions, can be done, but it requires some precautions and care to maintain the quality and longevity of the extensions. Here are some tips for swimming with weft extensions.

  1. Protective Measures:

    • Before getting into the water, it's a good idea to braid or tie your hair to keep the extensions secure, to protect your extensions from chlorine or saltwater.
  2. Rinse Before Swimming:

    • Wet your hair with clean water before swimming. This will help prevent your hair from absorbing excessive chlorinated or salty water.
  3. Use a Leave-In Conditioner:

    • Apply a Swank leave-in conditioner designed to protect hair extensions from the harsh effects of chlorine or saltwater.
  4. Rinse After Swimming:

    • After swimming, rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water to remove any chlorine or salt residue. Use a Swank sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner designed for hair extensions if necessary.
  5. Be Gentle:

    • Handle your hair and extensions gently, avoiding any excessive tugging or pulling.
  6. Dry and Style Carefully:

    • After swimming, make sure to dry your hair and extensions properly. Excessive heat and styling can potentially damage the extensions, so use Swank Argan Oil and avoid excessive use of heated styling tools.
  7. Regular Maintenance:

    • Keep up with your regular maintenance appointments with your hair stylist to ensure that your extensions remain in good condition.

It's worth noting that prolonged exposure to chlorine and saltwater can cause damage to both natural hair and hair extensions over time.

If you plan to swim frequently, especially in chlorinated pools, you should discuss this with your hair stylist before getting extensions. They can recommend the best type of extensions for your lifestyle and provide specific care instructions.

Remember that the lifespan and condition of your hair extensions will depend on various factors, including the quality of the extensions, how well you care for them, and how often you swim or expose them to harsh elements.

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